Thursday, June 21, 2007

make money by just receiving messages on your cellphone.

You can now make money by just receiving messages on your cellphone. A Bangalore company has offered to pay users to receive SMS advertisements.

Cellphone users once shunned SMS advertisements but mGinger has changed all that. It has turned the advertising cell phone into a source of income.

It's using permission-based marketing to turn SMS advertising into a lucrative proposition for users.

"What mGinger tries to do is it eliminates spam from your phone. But it does it in such a way that the ads that you do get on your phone turn into useable information," said mGinger CEO Chaitanya Nalla.

And it's simple too. All you need to do is log on to and register yourself with details of the kind of advertisements you want to receive.

Users get to choose the number of ads they want and when they would like to receive them.

The company will pay users 20 paise for each ad read and 10 paise per referral. And advertisers are excited.

"The day we launched, we got our first advertiser. So that tells us that this medium is powerful, and that advertisers are interested in such a medium," said Nalla.

The company has already run eight campaigns in different sectors, and talks are on with another 200 clients. The website, which started on April 19, has over three lakh registered users.

This may not be a money-spinner for you, but it still has users excited about the additional income. Particularly college students are looking at this as an additional source of pocket money and a reason to stay hooked to their cellphones.

Mginger In the news

Congratulations to all of you Gingerians! Mginger made it to the news.

Mginger on TV: CNN-IBN, CNBC, CNBC-Aawaz:

We were on online and offline newspapers:
Times of India, Economic times, Indian Express, The Hindu , Eenadu, Dainik Bhaskar etc.
Indian Express
Times of India
The Hindu
Economic Times
Zee News
DNA India
Business Standard
Dainik Bhaskar
Money Control
Yahoo News

We were also on on BBC Radio 1 (Delhi & Chennai).

We were mis-quoted in some of the articles: “For each ad received, the mobile phone user gets paid 20 paise. They can refer their friends and relatives for which they get 10 paise per referral and 5 paise for every ad their friends referrals receive”.
Correction: You do not get paid for referrals. You get paid 10 paisa only when your referrals receive an ad.

Also, it was quoted as if every user will make Rs. 300 per month for sure. This is wrong since mGinger is just a medium. mGinger doesn’t promise you any particular number of ads every day or any particular amount of money every month. You will get paid only when you receive ads. And you will receive ads only when there are advertisers willing to send you ads. So, if someone is not targeted by advertisers this whole month he/she will not receive any ads and thereby make no money.

I am not getting Ads? Same thing in everybody minds

The Main reason for this is limited advertisers as time passes i am expecting lots of advertisers will join adginger so that the Mginger can grow , this is baby it needs time to grow as the users grows it will grows, however sending ads to you not dependeds on Mginger it depends on following things
  • You will get ads only when advertisers want to send advertisements to you.
    For this to happen, two things must happen:
    a. Advertisers must first want to advertise on mGinger, a new medium. Since it is a new medium advertisers are approaching slowly. Many are not even aware that mGinger exists. They are taking time.
    b. Those advertisers who do sign-up must want to target you. Advertisers target you based on your interests, location, age, gender, salary, occupation and many more parameters. If you do not suit their criteria, they will not send their ad to you.
  • When you selected the “Max. Number of ads per day” as 10 (or 7 or 5 etc), it is only your preference. It does not mean that you will surely get 10 ads every day. It only means that the maximum that you can ever get on a single day is 10. On some days you might not receive even a single ad, on others you might receive a few but not exceeding your preference.
  • mGinger doesn’t claim that it will send you any particular number of advertisements every day. Please understand that mGinger is just a medium. When advertisers come, you will get ads, when they don’t you will not get ads.
  • Please do not get carried away by the hype. Here is the reality: the money you will make from mGinger will in most cases for a long time not be much. The value of the service is not in the money you make directly from mGinger but in the valuable, relevant information that you get.

It will take a long time before we can get enough advertisers on a regular basis to send you even 10% of your max preference ads. This whole industry is a baby. Out of Rs. 16,000 Crores spent every year on advertising not even 0.005% is spent on mobile advertising. So, your guess is as good as ours on how long it will take to move some of this spend to mobile.

So, this is what we have to say to you: You will see very few ads on our network for some time (how long? Maybe 4 months, 6 months, we can’t say), have patience, stick to us, we are trying our best to attract advertisers.

How will a baby like mGinger grow?

Yes, mGinger is still a baby. Infact, an infant. We are just 25 days old. We have very few number of users yet.

Imagine this: We go to an advertiser and tell him that we have 1000 users in Delhi interested in clothes. Do you think he will be impressed? If you do, you need to go and talk to some advertiser once! Advertisers are impressed with big numbers. They want to reach a lot of people (result of conventionality).

For you to get ads consistently, the first thing that is needed is a large number of users in our network. But, here is the chicken and egg problem, to get a large number of users, we need to get advertisers willing to send ads to the small number of existing users. But advertisers look at us mainly when we have large number of users. You get the drift….

It is a tough problem to solve and we are working 24/7 to solve it. So, to begin with, we are looking for those daring non-conventional advertisers who understand the value of precise targeting. Slowly, as our numbers grow, we will get more advertisers.

The key thing is this: GROW YOUR NETWORK. TRUST US. We are going nowhere till we prove that this is the way to advertise.

Adginger is Launched

Many people complaining that they have not received any sms from advertisers !! the reason for this is On the advertiser front, executed only 10 ad campaigns in its first month and the advertisers included Travelmart India, Amity University, Ambe Bajaj, and more. since there advertisers are limited

But At present, they have received enquiries from 400-500 advertisers, but not all of them have registered. “Advertisers take time to decide and convincing them is a challenge,” says Nallan. To help the advertiser community better, recently launched adGinger enables advertisers to target customers right down to the pincode level.
t is possible through the range of information that mGinger collects: “ will give advertisers a lot of power to do targeted advertising,” says Nallan. One of the biggest challenges was sending out the right messages. Says Nallan, “People thought by joining mGinger they will be rich and can make a living out of it, but that is not the case. You can make pocket money, but not a living.”

I am sure that Adginger launching can be a major step in success of Mginger.

Advertisers Welcome to AdGinger
AdGinger is the first of its kind opt-in permission-based mobile marketing platform for India. AdGinger enables advertisers to run highly targeted campaigns on mobile phones. AdGinger is the twin portal of mGinger. While mGinger aggregates consumer information, AdGinger allows you to leverage this information to reach your potential customers.

Advertise with us
AdGinger gives you the power to target your ads. Targeting can be based on product interests specified by the user, location (down to pincode levels) and demographics like age, gender, salary, occupation etc. AdGinger has the largest database of its kind and is growing at a furious pace.

Advertise on mobile phones
Mobile phones are highly personal devices. Mobiles are always with the users. So, if you send a discount offer as a message, it would be there with the user when he/she walks into your store. Moreover, messages get forwarded, thereby spreading virally. Sending a message is cheap and easy. And there is no clutter at all!